Thursday, October 18, 2007

Another Year Older

My birthday is on the 25th and Michelle's on the 31st, but we both decided to celebrate it in advance since we have a VERY busy schedule...we're busy moms...I have my hands full of things to do at home since I don't have any house help and Michelle's just given birth to her 4th child (which makes her the moms of all busy people)...and our two other 'ka-dates'...Rose and Wen have busy schedules too...(Rose had just been under the knife for a gallbladder stone removal and Wen is juggling her hands in taking care of her business, her kids and accompanying her mom for her visa application)... whew!!! we all decided to have a quick "merienda-chikahan" yesterday, October 17 at TGIF at Sta. Lucia Mall...

Me, Rose and Michelle posing before
feasting at the sumptuous food
at TGIF... and waiting for our
dear friend Wen...late si Ms. Pretty

'Katuwa" yung server namin,
it's sad I wasn't able to get his
name, but he made every effort
to prepare an ice cream birthday
cake for us!

Candle blowing...of course we made our wishes
before blowing our candles... I wished for more
money, more kids ata wish ni Michelle...joke...
another year older... I just hope this year
will be more fruitful, more happiness,
more dreams coming true...

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