Friday, October 26, 2007

11 Years & still counting...

A day after my birthday is our wedding anniversary...this year is our 11th year as husband and wife...despite our differences, our little misunderstandings...we have manage to keep our vows and our love intact...we are classmate in college (actually we are 'cheat-mate"), we belong to the same 'barkada', we are opposite, me being so talkative and friendly, him being the quite type...but we hit-it-out when we started talking (or just me talking and he just listens...hehehe) and dating...we just bring out the best in each other.....we were together for 6 years before we decide to get married...seventeen years after, we are still so much in-love with each other and enjoying every minute that we are together...and I will be looking forward to every morning of my life with him beside me...

An Anniversary Prayer for my 'babes'...

Dear Lord, I thank you for giving us another year of life together.
I thank you for the love which has grown and for the bonds which have become closer. I thank you for the happiness we have known together;
for all the experiences of sunshine and of shadow through which we have come to today.
i ask for forgiveness
for any disloyalty on my part;
for times i was difficult to live with;
for any selfishness and inconsiderateness;

for any lack of sympathy and understanding;
for ungentleness, ill-temper and hasty judgments;
for taking my spouse's feelings for granted
and for anything which may have spoiled our relationship with each other.
Keep us, Lord, close to each other,
united in love for you, for each other and for the family that you have given to us.
Protect us from all dangers, bless our endeavors and keep always in our family the spirit of Love, Peace and Happiness.

If you're going to live to be 100,
I want to live 100 plus 1 day...
so I will never live a day without you...

Happy Anniversary babes...iloveyousomuch...

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