Monday, March 17, 2008

Our Baguio Escapade

My sister Raquel always wanted to go to Korea to experience the cold weather and of course to have a date with Rain, but when hers and Rain's schedule did not match she opted to just go to Baguio since she finds out that when Baguio is in its lowest temperature its just the same as Korea (on it's regular day)...but she has a can she go to Baguio?...alone and with no car!!! She insisted that we (Me, Nelson & the kids) went with her since we can provide the transportation...she offers free accommodation with meals for 3 days and 2 can we possibly say NO! we all went to Baguio last March 7 and stayed till the 9th.
We stayed at the newly opened Burnham Suites which is just besides the Burnham Park, a walking distance from the market and SM Baguio...When we arrived the temperature is 10 degrees Celsius...brrr....

We really had a great time...thanks so much sis...luv yah!!!
More pics from our vacation.

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